Happy Holidays to everyone from D.C.Medical Care! I hope that all of you will enjoy the privilege of celebrating with family and friends, the sparkle of the holidays, and some well deserved rest and relaxation. The New Year is just around the corner, so it is really time to take stock.
I always ask myself: What was the most fun time I had this year? Hands down our family summer vacation in the Hamptons. What made this year special, what event in our family was momentous? My middle daughter Rebecca graduated from Princeton University and my youngest son Nathan, on his fifth birthday, had his violin debut featuring “Twinkle, twinkle, little star”. What was the best food I ate? (Always something with chocolate!!!) Best wine? Best book I read? and a panoply of other questions meant to help me think of the important and discard the trivial aspects of my daily life. I also think of the many things I would have liked to do and did not, and mostly resolve to squeeze them in immediately or early next year. On that note, our office is open this last week of the year and, if you did not yet come in for your physical, please do so immediately! It is the only FREEBIE you get from your medical insurance, complete with routine blood work, and you lose this give away for the 2017 calendar year as the ball drops…Come on in!
My son Nathan on his tiny violin!
Of course we use the results of your physical to support your "New Year Resolutions” (lose 20 lbs, eat healthy, exercise more, be an example of a healthy lifestyle for your children). Here is my advice on that: make it realistic AND get help. There is a reason we did not do all those things in 2017, and found an excuse for it…Your weight loss goal should begin in increments of 5 lbs, which makes it accomplishable not daunting, your eating healthy should always leave room for some desert etc. We are here to help you on that, as our practice has a consulting dietitian twice a week, offers various medication options, etc.
But for now, our most important advice is: indulge, indulge, indulge! An extra glass of wine and slice of cake will not have disastrous consequences, and a new year will not roll in again for 12 more months! Cheers!